Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ancient Roman Websites

Maps (and other info)

Time Line 
753 BCE — In tradition, when Romulus and Remus founded the city of
510 BCE —The Roman Republic is established. 
241 BCE — Sicily becomes the first Roman province. 
45 BCE — Julius Caesar becomes the dictator of Rome. 
44 BCE — Julius Caesar is assassinated; civil war begins. 
31 BCE — The Battle of Actium takes place, signaling the beginning of the era of Imperial Rome. 
64 CE — Rome, under Emperor Nero, burns. 
79 CE — Mount Vesuvius erupts, burying Pompeii and killing thousands. 
200 CE — Barbarians from the North attack the Roman Empire. 
285 CE — Emperor Diocletian begins to reorganize the Roman Empire. 
330 CE — Emperor Constantine builds a new Roman capital in the East at Constantinople. 
380 CE — Christianity is declared the sole religion of the Roman Empire. 
410 CE — Roman rule in Britain collapses. 
451 CE — Attila the Hun invades Gaul and Italy. 
476 CE —The end of the Roman Empire.

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