Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Thursday, April 19, 2012

HW for Thursday

LArts: 4 Quadrant. You need to complete this by next Thursday.
Also, please finish typing up your "Harris Burdick" story and hand it in when it is finished.

Math 7: Test Friday. So study.
Definitions are due on Wednesday. So don't do these unless you have finished your studying.

Science: Finish your assigned work:
1 reading the text section 2.1 and questions on page 32
2 worksheet entitled "ecosystems"
3 reading the text section 2.2 and questions on page 35.
All are due Tuesday.

Social Studies: Finish Mimi #9 Watch it HERE
and "Mayan Cities" sheet

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