Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos)... Is coming...

November 1st and 2nd.

This Latin American/Mexican holiday is highly celebrated.
Check out some great pictures here: http://calaveritamexicana.tumblr.com/
and:  http://calaveritamexicana.tumblr.com/page/2

What's it all about? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_the_Dead

A cool site from the Smithsonian: http://latino.si.edu/DayoftheDead/

We're going to do some Day of the Dead art this week. Get ready!

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