Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Rollins Family's All Time Top 6 YouTube Clips (on quietube)

Sometimes, on the weekend the Rollins family watch a couple of YouTube Videos. Here are our favourite (kid safe) videos:

# 1 Battle at Kruger.
I'm not telling you anything about this one. Just watch it!
64 million views

# 2 Corey Vidal  the John Willams is the Man Song
He is (lip Synching- the song is actually sung by Canadian Group "Moosebutter". Listen for the tune of all John Williams' famous soundtrack songs
15.5 million views

#3 Lego Harry Potter- The mysterious Ticking Noise

also, the original (Puppet) version
114 million views

#4 The Duck Song 
A catchy tune. Not available on Quietube
also 64 million views
There are other versions as well.

#5 Ok Go's music video for "This Too Shall Pass".
The whole thing is a Rube Goldberg machine in action. This was their 2nd (or 3rd take)
31.6 million views

they have 2 other awesome videos as well:
"Here It Goes Again" they are on treadmills
11 million views

"White Knuckles" with the help from some canine friends
11 million views

# 6 The Year of the Beard
 in Stop-Motion photography, this guy took a picture of his beard for 1 year and 6 weeks. COOL!

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