Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hw for Thursday/Friday

Math 7: if you did not finish section 5.3 you need to complete this.

Science: if you have not handed in your chapter 10 questions, you need to complete this (they are pg. 187 # 3, 4, 5. Pg 189 # 3 and pg 197 # 1, 2, 3.

French: if you have not handed in your French poster you need to complete it by Monday.

Socials: Kim Junk-il current events are due on Monday.

Here is some interesting internet information about him (I'm not sure how much of it is true, but I know that he "believed" that he actually did shoot 38 under par when golfing. His bodyguards "helped" a little bit by kicking the ball in the hole for him a few times.

1) Kim hires a staff to inspect his rice, to make sure each piece is the same size. In possibly the biggest example of his OCD, Kim apparently hates eating rice if every grain isn't uniform in length, plumpness and color. So he hires a staff of women to go through each and every grain of rice before it enters his palace's kitchen, making sure each piece meets Kim's standard.

It's always good to see communism working -- everyone equal, a completely utopia, no one abusing their power -- isn't it?

2) Kim has his boyhood school blown up. More from his former tutor. Even though Kim's father was Kim Il-Sung, the former dictator of North Korea, Lil' Kim still had to go to school. Kim was a "rather ordinary student" who ended up having to work hard to do well.

(Which is pretty incredible, given that his teachers probably would've disappeared permanently if they gave him anything in the check-minus/frowny face range on an oral report.)

Years later, Kim ordered the military to blow up the school where he had worked so hard. The reason? That school was now teaching regular people, not just the children of wealthy communist officials, and Kim was afraid that it was giving students too much of a competitive advantage against his own children.

3) Kim shoots a 38 under par, complete with 11 holes-in-one, his first time golfing. You may not know this, but, according to the state-run North Korean media, Kim Jong-Il is the best golfer in history.

Back in 1994, North Korea's first golf course was opened in Pyongyang, and Kim decided to play it. He'd never golfed before, but wow, was he a natural.

In his first-ever round of golf, he shot a world-record 38 under par... including another world record 11 holes-in-one! And even though all 17 of his bodyguards were eyewitnesses and swear they saw that go down, for some reason, the round-eye devils at "Guinness" fail to recognize either record.

After that round, the media tells us, Kim decided to retire from golf forever, lest he ruin it for us mortals.

1 comment:

  1. He must be pretty good at golf, to retire just for the sake of not ruining it for everyone. Hahahahahaha.
