Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Famous Dead Roman Research questions

1)   When was your figure alive? (be as specific as you can-what Emperor was ruling while they were alive)

2)   When were they born? (if known)

3)   Where in the Roman Empire did they live?

4)   When did they die? (if known)

5)   What was this individual’s role/job?

6)   What is this person known for today?

7)   What (major) accomplishments did this figure facilitate?

8)   How do we know what we know about this person today?

9)   What do we know about their family/personal life?

10)                 What interesting facts do we know about this person’s life?

1 comment:

  1. LOL i searched up famous dead rome and i found your blog :)
