Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Thursday, January 26, 2012

"Frozen in Time" (Pompeii Tableaus)

Today we learnt about Pompeii and how archaeologists have learned so much about daily life in Ancient Rome from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD/CE that covered the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum.

Here are some Tableaus of daily life in Pompeii. They are meant to represent what people were doing right as the ash hit Pompeii. The pyroclastic flows killed approximately 16.000 citizens of these neighbouring towns.


                                            Group 1 "Harvesting"

                                             Group 2.1 "At the Baths"

                                             Group 2.2 "Also at the Baths"

Group 3 "Trying to wake up the rest of the family as the ash cloud is coming"

                                                        Group 4 "Hunting"

Group 5 "Sleeping"

Group 1 "Planking". Oh wait, planking wasn't invented in Roman Times.