Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Friday, February 24, 2012

Making Books using Scribble Press

In Humanities (Social Studies and Language Arts) we have been learning about Ancient Rome. The students each researched a famous "dead" Roman and then created a storyboard of their life. After writing a life story based on their research notes, we have embarked on a journey using the mobile lab set of iPads that Thompson has been using. We have used a few different programs including Writers St and Scribble Press. In Scribble Press when we are finished, we will be able to publish our books to either Facebook, Twitter or email. Our goal is to have a finished product that we can share digitally with some of our family (online).

Here is a copy of my (hastily-made) book. The ones done by Division 1 are going to be much better than mine.
Mr. R's Roman Book

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