Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Who "invented" the internet/cyberspace?

Well, it just might be a guy from Vancouver.

Well-known science fiction author, William Gibson, who was born in South Carolina, but moved to Canada to avoid getting drafted and now has dual citizenship is credited with coining the phrase: "Cyberspace". He wrote about it in one of his first short stories titled Burning Chrome. Since that book other authors used the term and it kind of caught on. Many of the ideas that he wrote about (using the internet, the "Matrix" as well as virtual reality) have also come to fruition even though they were only ideas in his head when he was writing about them.

Here is his (detailed) wikipedia page William Gibson

In my university days, I was a big fan of his writing and enjoyed many of his novels and short stories.
I read all of these ones (and a couple more)


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