Welcome to Division 1 at Thompson's Class Blog

This site has been put together by Mr. Rollins and my students at Thompson Elementary School in Richmond

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Real or Not?

The internet is a wonderful tool. One needs to always be aware as to the veracity (truth) of what you see. Use a critical eye to analyze whether the information is plausible or not and also look to see what source the information is coming from. Don't forget that you can use sites like Mythbusters Here or Snopes.com Here to "debunk" some of the stuff you might find on the internet that you aren't sure about.

Friday in class the topic of "Atlantis" came up. Was it real? I didn't really know what to say about that. I knew that is was a 'legend' and that Plato had written about it. It turns out that a lot of myths and stories have been lumped into the "Atlantis" story and that it kind of is spoken about when anyone is talking about any lost ancient civilization.

For those that believe there might be some possibility that there was a "lost city", one theory is that it may refer to the Minoan civilization. King Minos and the people who lived on the Island of Crete were flourishing at the time of the Ancient Greek civilization was just getting started but then disappeared very quickly. This may have given rise to the story of Atlantis. Was there a volcanic eruption that wiped them out in 1600 BCE? Was there an attack from another civilization? Was it a huge tsunami? Maybe the Minoan civilization was Atlantis? Maybe not.

Here is a great video that I just watched from PBS about this possibility that the Minoan culture might've been "Atlantis": http://video.pbs.org/video/1204753806

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